
World of Warcraft Mining Guide - Zygor Guides

World of Warcraft Mining Guide - Zygor Guides is an in-game software strategy guide for World of Warcraft. Every guide comes complete with the Guide Viewer, which displays step by step instructions of what quests to accept, how to complete objectives, when to use items, and more. Our gorgeous waypoint arrow will point you exactly where to go at all times and the model viewer will display fully rendered 3D models of NPCs and objects mentioned in the guide.

Zygor's Leveling Guide includes the most optimized questing path for power leveling from 1-90 in lightning speed. The World of Warcraft Mining Guide software is very dynamic, tracking your progress, detecting when you complete goals, and automating tedious tasks such as accepting and turning in quests. You will be amazed by the difference Zygor makes.

World of Warcraft Mining Guide - Never Get Lost Again

One of the new features introduced in Zygor Guides 4.0 is the "Travel System". Whenever a step in our guide tells you to go somewhere, the Travel System will dynamically calculate the fastest route to your objective from where you're currently standing. The Travel System will even factor in unique methods of transporation, such as using your hearthstone, and class spells such as the mage teleport ability.
It doesn't matter where you are in the world, the travel system will find the best path and display the results right under the waypoint arrow for you.

World of Warcraft Mining Guide - Become an Unstoppable Leveling Machine

In Mists of Pandaria, Blizzard has revamped the talent system so that you now get one talent every 15 levels. It can be difficult knowing which talents to take and choosing the wrong one can really bog down your leveling.

With Zygor Guides 4.0, we've made things simple and elegant with our updated "Talent Advisor". This feature will tell you exactly what class specilization you should choose and which talents to spend your points in. It will even allow you to learn all your talents with just the click of a button!